Romans 15:7 – “Wherefore receive ye one another, as Christ also received us to the glory of God.”
Hebrews 13:1-2 – “Let brotherly love continue.” 2 “Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.”
Romans 12:10 – “Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love; in honour preferring one another.”
Matthew 4:18-19 – “And Jesus, walking by the sea of Galilee, saw two brothers; Simon called Peter and Andrew his brother, casting a net into the sea, for they were fishermen.” 19 “Then He said to them, “Follow me and I will make you fishers of men.”
Colossians 3:23-24 23 “And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men.” 24 “Knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ.”
The Welcome and Intake Ministry of Olivet Baptist Church serves a dual purpose within our congregation to both officially welcome guests and also transition new or returning members into Olivet after the invitation to Christ has been extended. The members of this ministry formally issue the welcome to our newcomers, first-time worshippers or returning guests during our morning worship service. The Welcome Ministry seeks to create a genuine spirit of hospitality and enhance the worship experience for all of our guests. The Welcome Ministry oversees the following when people visit our church for the first time:
- That a warm and friendly greeting is extended.
- A small token of our appreciation as a church is offered.
- A record of all visitors is maintained.
- Follow-up communication on behalf of the church is delivered.
- A heart-felt thank you is spoken.
- A comfortable, family-oriented atmosphere is created to connect people with the worship experience ushered in through the Pastor by the Holy Spirit.
The Intake Ministry oversees the initial phases of an individual’s acceptance into the body of Christ. Once the gospel message has been presented, the Intake Ministry serves those who have been compelled by the Holy Spirit to come forward. The Intake Ministry inquires whether: a person has ever accepted Jesus Christ into their life; has accepted Jesus into their life before and seeks rededication or membership with Olivet Baptist Church; seeks prayer; seeks a transfer into Olivet as a member in good standing from another congregation; or is no longer in fellowship with a previous congregation. The Intake Ministry serves the church by:
- Maintaining the official records of the church of the souls baptized and brought into membership.
- New member retention by reaching out in continual communication.
- Addressing the immediate needs and questions of new members about Olivet Baptist Church.
- Scheduling baptisms for new members who desire it and candidates for baptism.
- Providing information about the New Members Class and the ministries the church offers.
- Facilitating various evangelistic outreaches into the community.
- Hosting social events at the church where both old and new members can meet and greet one another.
- Helping people who accept Jesus Christ into their life transition into full participants in the life of Olivet Baptist Church.
If you are someone who desires to be the face of Olivet to our guests and new members then the Welcome and Intake Ministry invites you to join. The Welcome and Intake Ministry is for you if you are concerned about the following:
- Membership retention.
- Hospitality in the body of Christ.
- The warmth and love of Olivet Baptist Church.
- New souls accepting Jesus Christ into their life.
- How our guests, returning visitors or first time worshippers are greeted.
- Making positive first impressions.
Deacon Arnold Romeo |
- Deaconess Ministry
- Environmental Stewardship Ministry
- Fun Fellowship Ministry
- Health & Wellness Ministry
- Marriage Ministry
- Men’s Fellowship
- Missionary Ministry
- Music Ministry
- Social Media and Internet Ministry
- Sonshine Ministry
- Sunday School
- Usher Board Ministry
- Welcome and Intake Ministry
- Women’s Fellowship
- Olivet Baptist Church Community Choir
Romans 15:7 – “Wherefore receive ye one another, as Christ also received us to the glory of God.”
Hebrews 13:1-2 – “Let brotherly love continue.” 2 “Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.”
Romans 12:10 – “Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love; in honour preferring one another.”
Matthew 4:18-19 – “And Jesus, walking by the sea of Galilee, saw two brothers; Simon called Peter and Andrew his brother, casting a net into the sea, for they were fishermen.” 19 “Then He said to them, “Follow me and I will make you fishers of men.”
Colossians 3:23-24 23 “And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men.” 24 “Knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ.”
The Welcome and Intake Ministry of Olivet Baptist Church serves a dual purpose within our congregation to both officially welcome guests and also transition new or returning members into Olivet after the invitation to Christ has been extended. The members of this ministry formally issue the welcome to our newcomers, first-time worshippers or returning guests during our morning worship service. The Welcome Ministry seeks to create a genuine spirit of hospitality and enhance the worship experience for all of our guests. The Welcome Ministry oversees the following when people visit our church for the first time:
- That a warm and friendly greeting is extended.
- A small token of our appreciation as a church is offered.
- A record of all visitors is maintained.
- Follow-up communication on behalf of the church is delivered.
- A heart-felt thank you is spoken.
- A comfortable, family-oriented atmosphere is created to connect people with the worship experience ushered in through the Pastor by the Holy Spirit.
The Intake Ministry oversees the initial phases of an individual’s acceptance into the body of Christ. Once the gospel message has been presented, the Intake Ministry serves those who have been compelled by the Holy Spirit to come forward. The Intake Ministry inquires whether: a person has ever accepted Jesus Christ into their life; has accepted Jesus into their life before and seeks rededication or membership with Olivet Baptist Church; seeks prayer; seeks a transfer into Olivet as a member in good standing from another congregation; or is no longer in fellowship with a previous congregation. The Intake Ministry serves the church by:
- Maintaining the official records of the church of the souls baptized and brought into membership.
- New member retention by reaching out in continual communication.
- Addressing the immediate needs and questions of new members about Olivet Baptist Church.
- Scheduling baptisms for new members who desire it and candidates for baptism.
- Providing information about the New Members Class and the ministries the church offers.
- Facilitating various evangelistic outreaches into the community.
- Hosting social events at the church where both old and new members can meet and greet one another.
- Helping people who accept Jesus Christ into their life transition into full participants in the life of Olivet Baptist Church.
If you are someone who desires to be the face of Olivet to our guests and new members then the Welcome and Intake Ministry invites you to join. The Welcome and Intake Ministry is for you if you are concerned about the following:
- Membership retention.
- Hospitality in the body of Christ.
- The warmth and love of Olivet Baptist Church.
- New souls accepting Jesus Christ into their life.
- How our guests, returning visitors or first time worshippers are greeted.
- Making positive first impressions.
Deacon Arnold Romeo |
- Deaconess Ministry
- Live And Not Die (L.A.N.D.) Substance Abuse and Addiction Recovery Ministry
- Marriage Ministry
- Men’s Fellowship
- Missionary Ministry
- Music Ministry
- Social Media and Internet Ministry
- Sonshine Ministry
- Sunday School
- Usher Board Ministry
- Welcome and Intake Ministry
- Women’s Fellowship
- Olivet Baptist Church Community Choir