Enter Into His Courts
Experience The Life You Were Meant To Live! I think back when I was a kid and my siblings would tease me by placing a wind-up toy in front of me and letting it go to move around. They knew I was a scary kid, scared of my own shadow. [...]
Will He Know You?
Beginning in Luke 13:22, Jesus speaks of entering the Kingdom of Heaven saying all who have done many things in His name will not be found worthy to enter. So having an intimate relationship with Him is key. We get to know Him therefore He will say "come on into the [...]
Jesus! Take My Burdens!
Freedom, Joy, Peace? I think of people who are hospitalized, homebound, in prison, homeless, starving, drug addicted, jobless, victimized, and stressed. We all suffer at one time or another. Jesus said He can release us if we would just come to know Him and trade-in our burdens for His Way to [...]
175th Anniversary Celebration
The Historic Olivet Baptist Church sits proudly on the corner of 3101 S. King Drive in the heart of Bronzeville, and traces her roots to 1850 as the first African-American Baptist Church in the city of Chicago. We invite you to celebrate the rich history of Olivet with an evening of praise, [...]