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I prayed for this

Prayed for 6 times.


I’ve written an unspoken prayer request. After going to the Asbury revival, I’ve sensed a call to missions to the Kurds in northern Iraq. I connected with a Chinese missions agency, which I may go with. I grew up in China as an MK and speak Mandarin. This unspoken prayer is about first steps I need to take in this direction, which I can’t discuss. I need the Lord to move, answer this prayer and bring breakthrough. Pray that God will fully, powerfully answer everything written in my unspoken prayer, far beyond anything I could ask or imagine. Pray that everywhere I ask for this prayer, God will move many powerful, faith-filled, committed prayer warriors to pray powerfully and fervently over this unspoken prayer until the Lord brings breakthrough. Thanks.

Received: March 16, 2023

Powered by Prayer Engine

I prayed for this

Prayed for 6 times.


I’ve written an unspoken prayer request. After going to the Asbury revival, I’ve sensed a call to missions to the Kurds in northern Iraq. I connected with a Chinese missions agency, which I may go with. I grew up in China as an MK and speak Mandarin. This unspoken prayer is about first steps I need to take in this direction, which I can’t discuss. I need the Lord to move, answer this prayer and bring breakthrough. Pray that God will fully, powerfully answer everything written in my unspoken prayer, far beyond anything I could ask or imagine. Pray that everywhere I ask for this prayer, God will move many powerful, faith-filled, committed prayer warriors to pray powerfully and fervently over this unspoken prayer until the Lord brings breakthrough. Thanks.

Received: March 16, 2023

Powered by Prayer Engine